Hey there, I'm Srinija!

Frontend Developer


I got a long way to go

And a long memory

-Chester Bennington

(Battle Symphony, One More Light)

I love to code! As a Frontend Developer, I collect data and convert it into something visually appealing. I implement fully responsive sites. The web applications I build are user-friendly, fast-loading and beautiful in design. My interest in web development started out by learning the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript Technologies.

Being a creative person, I have a passion for photography and art, whether it's pencil sketching, poster colours, acrylic colors or watercolor painting. I also play the keyboard! I'd love to show you my works some day! I also play the keyboard!

Take a look at my projects on GitHub and Likedin! There are links for it in the contact section.

Adiós! ✌

Web Development Skills

Frontend-Web-Development HTML5 CSS JavaScript Bootstrap React.js

Other Technical Skills

C-Programming Java MySQL

Recreational Skills

Drawing Photography

My Work

Click on the image to visit the website


This is my first ever webiste. I built this with only HTML and CSS. At the time, I was a beginner in Web Development. This website is inspired by Angela Yu's Personal Website. If you want to know more about Angela yu, visit London App Brewery's Official Website.


This is a very basic book review website. When you click on the book cover, it redirects you to the official review by GoodReads. I have extensively used Bootstrap for bulding this website, along with HTML and CSS. This website was created only for practice purposes.


This is a simple dice game created using JavaScript. If Player 1 rolls a number greater than the number that Player 2 rolls, then Player 1 wins! If Player 2 rolls a number greater than the number that Player 1 rolls, then Player 2 wins! Refresh the page to throw the dice.

Let's play a game, shall we?

Tic Tac Toe is a zero sum game. It is a simple, two-player game that, if played optimally by both players, will always result in a tie. The game is also called noughts and crosses or Xs and Os.


You are X and I am O. We take turns putting our marks in empty squares.

We alternately place Xs and Os on the game board until either of us has three in a row or all nine squares are filled.

X always goes first, and in the event that both of us don't have three in a row, the stalemate is called a cat game.

Go on! Start first!

What do you think of my website?

Your feedback is highly appreciated and will help me to improve my website. What changes do you suggest?

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

-Albus Dumbledore

Also, this website looks so much better on a PC!

Adiós! ✌